Monday, March 03, 2008

3rd March 2008

Caught in a dam foul mood today after Bio Spa.
So, this is wat happen:

After my last reading of the volume of water, I saw ppl taking their reading not base on the volume of water, but rather using ruler to measure the height of water.
Shouldn't it be the volume of the liquid?

How can they expect us all to have a ruler? (ruler is not on the list of apparatus)
The science department have different diameter and hence different height of 50ml measuring cylinder.
The science department is saying that the different height of 50 ml of measuring cylinder affects the rate of osmosis. WTF is this?

Which 1 is correct? ml or cm?
We will nv noe who gets the last laugh in the end.
Prehaps u will nv think of the spa u did on the day that u receive your 'O' lvl certificate.

Now I let everything out, I feel a little better.
Emm....prehaps not.

My mood of the whole day is ruin by this.
Guess i won't continue, I'm afraid vulgarities will spilled out.

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