Sunday, April 27, 2008

Sunday =D
And the sun shore extremely bright today ^^

Can't feel much better than studying in the library yesterday.
Read the whole of the textbook and still not feeling confident abt tmr SS paper.
I predict that I will pretty much screw my SS tmr.
Studying SS is actually quite pointless.
In wat way will conflict in Sri Lanka affect me in future?
And NHS? Will it do any good to me in future? I am not a British citizen.

Got a book called 'The Final Theory'
It questions loopholes in theories scientist propose,
From Newtonian gravity to the latest quantum mechanics.

One sentence mentioned somthing like this:
' The goal of a new and deep physical understanding of our universe may be in
danger of merely becoming an exercise in mathematical manipulation of our
current equations."

And I couldn't agree more.
Wat science cannot explain, we use math to do so, to prove that it works.
In the end is this wat we are really looking for?
Math solution? Or Science explaination?

Hope I can compete at least Chem and SS today + a little bit of E math by today.
It is going to be 1 busy afternoon for me.

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