Sunday, June 21, 2009

Another week gone...
One last week before "June Holiday" ends.

I should be prepared for mid years after next week...
Still feel quite screwed for history.... To write 3 x 4 pages essays in 2h 15 min =(
I dun think it is possible...
O well.... dun think of it too much.

I had this dream last night that I failed my mid year.
Then I had to see the principal to be advanced.
Yea, I noe that we do not have to see the principal if we fail mid year.
Dreams often have no sense of logic, do they?
This shows that subconsciously I am under emotional stress.
Ya, JC jus screws our lives up.
No wonder my mother said that I kept grinding my teeth last night.

Plan for today:
-Complete topic 3 and repeatedly read 2 and 3 to memorise for history.
-Sleep in the afternoon? Did not slept much last night.
-SF in the night.

Work hard ppl...

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