Monday, May 05, 2008

Athena is so dam cool!
The boss today is dam dam noob.
It is like no kick.
So hopefully I can thrash it and have good achievement record in my manual.

So today it is the same 3 person partying at our usual slot.
Kent killed hell lots of monsters today and lvl up quite significant.
While Godwin and me are like waiting for him to catch up.

I guess I am working on my character in the expansion pack.
Yea, I will be ahead of everyone!

Ok back to science:
After much discussions and argument wif Teck Li,
I had come to a conclusion that our body is in the 3rd dimension,
While our soul/will/watever u call it, is in the 4th.
Our mind can interpret time.
U noe wat u ate yesterday, u have a rough imagine of wat u wan to be in future.
There are also ppl that have intensive mind power that can levitate objects/tell the future.
Psychics I mean.
These are individuals that can fully utilise their brain to manupulate 3D things in their 4D world.
It is true that we onli uses abt 10% of the mind throughout our entire live.
The power of our brain is incredible.
Time travel is truely possible but we cannot bring our body to a different dimension.
So time travelling onli limit ourselves to knowing the future and past,
But we can do nothing to change it.

The wave function:
A function that relate the amount of energy to the wavelength of any particle.
The equation state that the wavelength of any particle is inversely proportional to its energy.
And if u noe math, wavelength = k, constant / energy
And the K constant is wat we known as the Planck's constant.
Everything make sense to me now.

I also learnt more abt the special relativity.
It turn out to be that matter is consist of energy, mass or both!

Pure energy is matter that consist of 0 rest mass and definate amount of energy.
And example will be photon, carrier of light energy.
This is actually, in layman term, wave.

Pure particle is matter that consist of definate rest mass and 0 energy.
It is the same the nuclear in an atom.

A moving object is an example of a hybrid, which most things are.
They consist of both energy (kinetic, heat or watever) and mass.

So it is like everything is a particle.
A wave is a particle that have no rest mass as its mass lies in the amount of energy it carries.
A particle is no doubtly a particle (common sense)
And a moving object is also a particle (common sense again)

And hence the equation E=MC²
I must really admit Albert Einstein is a GENIUS!

Somemore of special relativity says that explain the speed limit: speed of light.
If we accelerate a particle to near speed light, its energy will become mass to add to the inertia of the particle.
This will in term slow the particle down.
Hence it will require more energy to increase his speed.
This whole process will repeat itself and hence de speed-of-light limit.

The reading of more such stuff actually manage to make me understand wat it means.

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