Friday, May 16, 2008

Mdm Ashikin is not here again. This means 1.5h of free period!

I spent most of the time 'revising' my reference book to have a clearer picture and hopefully manage to understand wat I did not b4 things get ugly wif calculation further in the book. The reason behind this is that I want to learn more and DEFINITELY NOT SHOWING OFF. This part of my life is something called planning for my future. At least I noe wat I wan to be in future and be well prepared for it. I do not wan to burn midnight oil throughout my 2 years in college and by the end of it become so pissed off wif studying. Life will be meaningless and miserable in JC. I will not at all enjoy it at all. Wat I am doing now is to get familiar wif the A lvl syllable and get 2 subjects off my mind so that I can concentrate and better focus on others subjects. I shall prove to all of u that I can sleep at 10 every night during my life in JC!

Found a reference book veri much similar to mine in the school library and guess wat? The explanations in the book is so much clearer and straightforward that I can understand! That book seems old and maybe it is not up to date. But I can understand exactly the order of the rate of reaction part in quantitative kinetic and the rate equation that I failed miserably to despite spending the whole day in Tampines library last Saturday. I jus feel like I have wasted at least half a day in the library last weekend.

I had entered the Physic Olympia! I hope I can do well......

Studying has become a hobby of mine. I dunno since when and how but It had been implanted in me for as long as I noe like blood flowing in my veins. Habits die hard.... haha.

I had come up wif a conclusion of 'why Ryan is able to do so well in math exam'
I must admit that he did work dam hard for it. He practise it veri frequently like almost everyday while me is pretty much of an different case. Once I noe how to do it, practise it a bit and I will call it a day. I simply feel that math manipulation will not get me anywhere and will not be of any use except, honourable science. I really admire Ryan's ability to work so hard and I could say his mark is well deserved. Perhaps that also explains why he is never good in bio. His mind is filled wif numbers and onli numbers. As in bio, calculation is nv (or of little use) in exam paper. He jus lack the ability to analysis the way a scientific mind does. Perhaps there is a difference in math and science despite the fact that they are usually closely associated in school stream.

How a solar panel works?
2 layers of semiconducting material is joined together and when heat energy is available, electrons become 'excited' and vibrate vigorously that it is delocalised from atom and attracted to atoms of the other semiconductor material. Both semiconducting material has veri large difference in *electronegativity of the 2 different semiconducting materials and hence electrons transferred cannot return to its original atom due to insufficient kinetic energy to break free of attraction force of 2nd semiconducting material. A potential difference will build up between both layers (more and more electrons in 1 layer than another) and if wire is attracted to the 2 layer separately, electrons will travel through the wire from the 2nd layer to the 1st layer, and hence a current will flow through the wire.

*Electronegativity - measurement of the ability of a nucleus to attract an electron.

As we can see, both atoms must be of veri large mass difference in terms of nucleus mass to have high enough electronegativity to prevent electrons from returning to its 'rightful atom owner'.

As technology improves, we are trying to find better semiconductors for the 2 layer to generate a larger current and/or potential difference (Remember we can always use transformers. So we can always alter to 240V in SG or 110V in US to suit the needs of all electrical appliances and the rest to current.)

1st layer
- Minimum amount of ionisation energy is needed to delocalise electrons
- Smallest mass of nucleus to increase electronegativity difference wif 2nd layer

2nd layer
- Largest mass of nucleus as possible to increase electronegativity difference wif 1st layer

For the 1st layer is sort of much contradiction as ionisation energy is directly proportioned to mass of nucleus. But scientist are working veri hard to find more semiconductor to improve efficiency of solar panel.

Any question regarding this issue pls post in my cbox and I will gladly answer them =D

Mr Chua farewell party tonight I guess, cause I saw lots of catered food that looks delicious. Wat a pity that I will not be able to eat them. Btw, since when did SC eat good food?

Quite a long post tonight.

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