Tuesday, February 03, 2009

The 2nd day.

Got trapped on the bus for 35min today compared to yesterday's 20min.
2 factors:
- Mini traffic congestion.
- Ppl refusal to move further in the bus.
Which is a more important factor? EYA. [12m]
Still can't get over o lvl stuffs.

Never had I seen such cooperative bunch of people (except sec 1) b4.
The cheering section is so wonderfully done in such minimal time.
This onli make me feel that NAS SC sux.

Checked out de library today.
The air conditioning is crap, seriously. (2nd floor)
Stuffy room.

Managed to convinced the geo lecturer to allow me to take H1 geo.
Lecturer: 'Do u write well?'
Me: 'I have no choice but to take 1 contrasting subject that requires essay writing.'
Lecturer: 'That is true..... Write ur name on this paper.'
That doesn't sounds hard at all eh =D

Geo lecture further confirm that I had not made the wrong choice.
But I need to work doubly hard.
Reference book on geo at home hehe...

Did I mention an indecisive person name Jansen?
From Chem2 Bio2 Math2 Geo1
to Chem2 Bio2 Math2 Econ2
to Chem2 Bio2 Math2 Geo1
to Chem2 Bio2 Math2 Geo2
to Chem2 Bio2 Math2 Geo1 =.=
Pro eh?

Orientation fortitude will commence on thurs.
Hope seniors are all nice ppl......

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