Today is da
BIG DAY!Actually both today n tomorrow...No one actually wore wat I wore this morning...
People looking at me strangely on bus...
Felt so weird...
Ryan finally joined me wif the white shirt b4 flag raising...=D
N he forgotten abt the ' wear PE shirt for health screening' issue...
VL lesson...
Hmm...The ppt seems familiar...
That is it! It is from our sec 2 geo textbook!
Score 8/15 for the pop quiz...wth...
But at least I pass =D
JL come out wif de camel can stall water which make it live longer than rat...
Crap... Rat has a smaller body...
It loses lesser water...
We skipped english lesson for health screening =D
My spine is higher on the right side abt 2-3 degree..hmm...
Science lesson: pop quiz again...
Our group is actually leading =D
There comes maths...
Dun really understand wat that piece of paper says...
Nvm...The truth will be known someday ^^
We went off at 12.15pm...
Actually it is a false alarm...
We are suppose to go at 1.15pm today n 12.15pm tomorrow...
So we went back class...
See la...The PC head jus go off for a while n fight broke up...
How important am i ? ^^
Lionel broke his specs due to a punch from Adeeb...
His broken lens cut jus below his eye...
Luckily not in his eye...
Hope this matter will stop now...
Seems that Lionel wan revenge...
Better not have any fight tomorrow while I am away...
Investiture begin...
Everyone is look so smart =D
On the stage.........
Ha...still got upper sec cheering for me when I shook hand wif principal...
Should be da senior...Thx =D
Ryan seems to have no one cheering for him..^^
Dun go for CCA la....
Great...we join de senoir in the dance...
There is no plan on wat to do for us when senoir is dancing...
The left side de good la...ran off...
After that is cake....
Ms Tan scolded us...
I feel like I am eating cream...zzz
Tomorrow still got CCA n PE..Haiz...
Meaning have to bring PE attire and shoes wif my bat...
So much things to carry...
Wish me luck ^^