Wonder why february was chosen for the sum of all 1/4 days of the past 4 years.
Back to old style of writing.
Feel more comfortable.
Got 30/40 for chem test, not bad.
Dun understand y I got wrong for a qn and I approach Mrs Teh.
Ended up she gave me 1 mark and say my explaination is too complicated.
Then I told her I am not there for marks.
I jus wan to know y am I wrong.
So I told her that she decide whether a not she wan to give me that 1 mark.
Ryan told me something like this: "Ah ya, she give 1 mark then jus take la! Y u still tok so much?"
That is the difference between u and me, my friend.
U care more abt mark while I care more abt the learning process.
Good thing Mrs Teh deduce that 3 marks from me cause I did not write roman numeral.
I will remember that lesson for life =D
CME my group did not do the research, as expected.
Then I approach Abi and Jet to tell them that they really need to do the research for next lesson.
No I am not pissed abt u ppl not doing ur own share.
Jus that next time (if any), u ppl will be more considerate abt wat ur decision will led to.
Went for CCA.
Ended up the onli sec 4 are Chan Kai, Ranon, Lionel and me.
B girls everyone pon.
B boys also almost everyone pon.
Crap la, all pang seh.
Ended up we went Leisure Park for lunch.
And came back for lecture by Mr Fong.
He seriously sux.
Doing nothing at all at cca.
And Mr Fong dun let us study at sunsport.
Do practically noithing but to play ball there.
Seriously, playing, not training.
Should ask my dad to complain to the sch.
Forget abt should, I will ask my dad to complain.
If unsuccessful, I shall get my parents to write letter to excuse me for cca.
On myway home on 12:
I heard CK and Nigel toking abt girls O.o
Ok this is bad. I am eavesdropping.
Reading my physic textbook on a.c motor.
So hard to understand the concept.
It was cold in the bus.
Also fell asleep and got frozen to death^^
Glad I make it home.
Doing revision tmr~
And to do research on a.c motor.