It means I can watch NC16 in cinema.
I know many of u still can't do that
Too bad.
Nothing happen to me yesterday, thankfully.
Clifford, Jerome, Chang, Eric, Ryan, How Chee, Godwin, Henry, Jansen, Joel and I went for lunch.
They wanna tak pok + flagpole (Dunno wth is it) me after lunch atthe basketball court at TECC =.=
Luckily they jus took my phone and send out "I Love U" to Jetaime.
She figure out that it was them who did it.
Smart Girl =D
Followed by our PE project discussion in class.
Then I went for cca.
Ahhh no sits.
Have to sit down at the stairs of the back door.
I have Jia Heg (sorry if I spell his name wrongly) with me.
Then Ranon join us as he did not want to sit wif Fong.
Two of them is like pulling shoelaces of the two girl siting jus b4 the stairs.
Coach gave a speech till 3 pm.
N we get to play =D
We play doubles and won the two boys team.
But we lost to the girls team.
I hate those weird rubber =(
I got my new guitar =D
Ibanez AEF37E
It is a difficult decision to make, especially if u have so many choice.

Forgot to include my B 'day wish XD
I hope to:
- Score well for 'O' level
- Learn new technique to my guitar
- Put on weight (Haven put on weight since sec 1 O.o)
- Grow taller (170cm is not enough)
- Cut down on computer time
- Speak up more
- Study more
And most importantly, those who are around me to be happy
It feels good to be 16 =D
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