Sunday, April 13, 2008

Guitar class we finished the song: Endless Love.
The one Jacky Chan and the Korean women sing de.
And I search TM and CS for a earpiece that is below 10 bucks.
I used to buy from popular but it is under renovation now.
Guess the main reason y earpiece spoil is because the electromagnet inside de earpiece became faulty after dropping it too much times.
In the end found one at the budget shop at interchange =D

Went East Coast for bowling and the kangoo jump.
I feel that I am at least 2 m tall wearing that shoes =D
Jump like a kangaroo~
Guess that is y it is so appealing to hyperactive kids like my cousin.
They say I can jog wif it.
So I killed 2 birds with one stone ^^
But the shoes is damn heavy.
While running, I feel like the centre of attention.
Everyone is looking at me.
They must be thinking: Wa, this guy so tall....
Joking haha......
Think ppl are fascinated by the shoes.
One uncle approach me and my cousin, asking are the shoes good and how much it is.
Sudden lost of words.

Death note 2 tonight ^^
I guess the movie plot is veri good.
Who have death note 3: L change the world?
I will like to borrow, anyone?

Enough of enjoying.
Chiong during weekday!

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