Saturday, May 31, 2008

Can't believe that dam 1 mark question actually took me 1.5h to do.
And there goes all my time and brain power.
I am not meant to do math.
Can't really think out of da box.
I believe that is something to do wif individuals.
A veri logical person (like me) cannot think out of the box.
A creative person (like Ryan) is able to do so.
No. Maybe it is due to practice.
The more expose u are to many different question, the faster u mind turns.
So which is right?

I dunno y but after solving that question I feel so tired that my thinking speed decreases.
A simple question took me forever to solve.
And I decided to come home early to rest and hopefully I can continue doing at night.
All thanks to that dam question Kent ask me to solve.

At least I learn something today.
It is called the laws of thermodynamics.
Zeroth law: Thermal equilibrium (G = H - TS)
First law: Thermal energy gain by a system = heat applied to system + work done to system
Second law: Entropy of a system will always increase till equilibrium
Third law: Approaching absolute zero, all processes cease and entropy will be at minimum
Find out more abt it if u are interested.

I saw this huge massive book on calculus O.o

New bottle~
I quit using sports soft plastic bottle and change to hard plastic bottle.
At least they dun leak.
And I found a pretty good 1 at the Royal Sports House.

I can't find the calculator.
I guess I had to wait till school reopen b4 i can get myself a new calculator.
Is that calculator even allowed for O lvl?
Better check it out b4 buying it.

Kent and Jansen wanted to go to the library tmr so i will most probably be there.
They will help me to chop de seat while I go for guitar lesson.

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